ok guys so earlier this summer i went and picked up a 1972 glastron v156 with the 70 horse chrysler. boat motor and trailer cost 200 bucks. worth a try right?
well it sat around forever till finaly my pawpaw drug it down to the local boat mechanic/dealer. they charged 80 bucks to see what it would take to get it running. they said it needed the carbs (all 3 of them) rebuilt, and the points polished up, new plugs and fuel lines and mabey a new fuel tank, and they would be happy to take care of that for me for 600 bucks. i think not.
1 full days tinkering and about 30 bucks in parts later, she sat in the drive way purring like a kitten. i was impressed. after all, this thing hasnt been turned over in over 20 years, according to the previous owner.
so we drug it down to the river for a test run. ran PERFECT for about an hour, then it started acting up a little. it would get up and plane out, run at top speed for about 15 seconds, then the rpm would shoot up and it felt like the prop disengaged, so it would rev way up but loose speed. but you could back it down and idle it along without a problem. but when you planed up it would do the same thing again. so i took it back home, checked the sheer pin, prop, splines, ect, everything looked ok. took it back, tried a spare prop that came with it, pitch was too steep, put back on the stock prop, it started cavitating a little in corners, lowered the good ole "pull a pin" type manual trim, tried it again, and it ran well for about thirty minutes till dark.
sooo all in all for a hair over 300 bucks so far i have a working (though some bugs persist, which need to be worked out, but thats with most outboards) Chrysler 70 hp outboard, a glastron fiberglass runabout style boat, and a nice trailer. if we dont run into any new major problems with it, this is looking like an awesome purchase.