Sheesh, it's been awhile since I posted a bow. Not that I haven't been making them but with as much stuff as as we've been through over the last months and taking my time, well she's done. I'm proud of this one, but of course, have 3 other projects going at the same time!
Got the stave at Pappy's last May from KerryB. She is 59" ntn pulling about 61 or 62 # at 28". There is a protruding arrow rest from the stave itself, a small detail but first time I did that. Fast flight string and buffalo horn overlaying the pin nocks. I wrapped her in blue and green wool yarn. I like the way the wool feels on the grip as I'm not much on leather, I've found. I also wrapped the ends which has a nice affect to sort of dampen the string at release.
I've been wanting a bow like this for three years. Now, it's time to give it away.