I just finished off a hackberry(just put the last coat of tru oil on this morn),and Its super easy to work with,a few hours last thur,a few on the next day,and a few more on sat n I was shooting it. I also found out hackberry takes longer to toast than other woods. I spent an hour on each limb,and it took awhile for the heat to penetrate down into the wood,and I gave her a deep dark toast. It sure does make a quick bow due to its lightness,especially with eiffel tower tips. Its neck n neck with my fastest bow,and that bows a screamer. Ill be posting mine later this eve or tomorrow eve,can't wait to see your s all finished up. And I wish I had hackberry in my area to cut but I don't,a good buddy begifted my stave to me...

...you know who you are..ill give ya props and credit when I post it buddy