Long time ago we talked about dogwood abilities. I had some average sapling and decided to try all its abilities. Off course, it had to be warbow. Sapling was a little snaky, twisted, with few bumps and few transverzal knots across the belly. Had almost 1" of reflex with two strange deflexed places in the middle of the limbs. This is in what it transformed: Dogwood warbow, 140# 31", 72 ntn, 35 mm wide and 26 mm thick, with high crown, no string follow. It is visible that in the handle is all sapling width used, cambio is on the sides. A lot of early draw weight.. off course- pic in front of the wooden wall.Tiller could be better. Stained with walnut stain and everything as always. Overall impression: amazing wood, cornus sanguinea...
I consider this bow as experimental bow, it is not quality enough to be keeped. I will try all kind of experiments on him: overdrawing, cold full draw and etc to see where are the borders of this wood, but seems that it is close to it's limits.