Justin , I think you are both partly right. I've worked in electronics my whole life. you are right in that a dimmer 'cuts the sine wave' this reduces voltage. And it is detrimental to most devices. But a light bulb is just a piece of wire in a vacuum . You run current though this wire till it gets hot enough to emit photons (light). works like a feather burner.
So here is where JD is right, in the heat box you don't care if the the bulbs light up dim or bright , you just want it's heat.The light in this case is wasted energy. JD's dimmer method will extend the life of the bulbs , because at lower voltages they don't get hot enough to burn the elements in two. Notice that light bulbs are not only rated by wattage , they also have a voltage rating. In a given light fixture the same wattage bulb with a higher voltage rating will last longer.
But the dimmer does distort the waveform , and depending on the quality of the dimmer could have several switching spikes or other anomalies to the waveform that shorten the bulb life some. Better than a dimmer ,find an old autotransformer or variac, these are adjustable transformers that allow you to adjust the line voltage up and down.
So I think a thermostat ,even a fixed one like Binghams sells, is the most efficient on your power bill, but a dimmer or a variac will make the bulbs last longer .Combining the two may be the best bet.