I would rank from best to worst(easiest to most difficult) in this order hickory,oak,maple,black walnut, and cherry. As you get further down the list, the wider and longer the bow needs to be. Also, the more touchy they are about tiller. For a bend in the handle d-bow 56 to 60 in. ntn . 1 1/2 " wide at the handle for hickory, increase that width by 1/8" as you go down the list. For a stiff handle, add the length of the non working handle to overall length. Same width guidelines as with the d-bow. Cherry is a bit touchy, a soft backing would be highly recommended. These are just general guidelines I use and are in no way set in stone. Everybody has there own way and preferred wood, this is just what I have learned in my limited experience. BTW, congratulations on your first bow, may there be many more to come, Josh