Let this be a tale of warning as this story has a sad AND happy ending.
I was never really satisfied with the final version of the 3 sisters snakey osage bow, mostly because of the light draw weight. I finally decided to do something about it and cut 1.5 inches off each end in order to up the draw weight. Initially the bow came back at 50#@29", PERFECT!!!...and then I noticed the tiller was no longer equal. The last thing I wanted was to risk a break because of bad tiller so I went about the tillering process again and somewhere in the middle I decided that the bow should turn evil.
Sad ending: In the process of reestablishing the tiller I lost all the draw weight I had gained AND THEN SOME. The bow is now pulling 35#@29", but the tiller feels (and looks) right on.
Happy ending: I REALLY REALLY love the snake skins and heads on this bow (diamondbacks). Makes me feel like I have two fighting serpents in my hands so the bow is still a pleasure to hold, shoot and, most of all, show off.