I fought with this for weeks till I got a tip from a old timer,,forget that scrapeing,you will work yourself to death,,be careful if you try the lye,one splash in the eye and you are on the way to the doctor,,Go to the home center,in the garden dept get a bag of powdered lime,{about 5$},mix about a dry gallon{big coffee can} to 5 gallons of water in some kind of container,old plastic trash can works great.soak your hide for about 6 or 7 days,until you can just push the hair off with your finger.After all the hair is off rinse in clean water,then take about a cup or so of vinigar,mix with about 5 gallons of water and soak it for a day,this will nueteralize the lime. then rinse well,tack it up somewhere and make sure you pull it tight,tight,,then while its wet you can do your final scrape,{gently} Works every time! hope this helps