Looking for my first with selfbow.

Had a real nice 8 pt. come by me at approx. 18-20 yards. Had to pass on him, because my accuracey limit is 17 yds. or closer.

Just felt like it was a bit too far. I shoot 40#-45# selfbows. Thats why i won't shoot very far. The way i look at it, if God wants me to get a deer with my selfbows, i will get my deer when he is ready for me to get my first. If he is not ready for me to take one of his animals, i'm not going to get it.

I agree, theres nothing like carrying a selfbow in the timber. I find myself stump shooting back to where i hunt, and even coming back to the truck, after a morning hunt. I say that you are definately hooked. Go out and enjoy it.