I have made up a few more of the fishing spools. Willow, sanded to 100 grit.
Any knappers out there interested in trading a few huntable points for one? I have shoot through like the one I use and shoot over like in other threads here. The shoot overs have been popular. I've sent a few out now and am getting good first impressions.

Large ones fit like this:

Both lace on. I don't recomend the sisal but it's what I had and I was determined to get fish for the garden.
Turns out the whole family LOVES hubbard squash which like it hot. Late in the season so I didn't get many opportunities. I'll scare up some horse apples for the garden then. Anyone know how long a fish should be in the ground before planting on it?
Oh I could still use a shooting glove and am interested in skins.