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How easy was that? (skinning Hickory)

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I'd heard it mentioned on here before but had never seen it for myself. The last batch of Hickory I hauled home I cut in the winter months and it was draw knife hell (so's to speak) was a lot of work. Cut em this time of year and it's gravy!!! It's like a new revelation for me. I was helping on a job in Tyler TX - one of the guys on the crew there knew of a place to cut a tree so I harvested one - bout a fourteen incher @ the base, got two logs out of it and fourteen dandy staves - don't know yet how many dandy bows but they should start coming out by this time next year.

For the guys that don't know (when you cut Hickory this time of year) take a hammer and give the bark a couple of good whops to loosen the end, then just peel it off - gravy........ here's a few pic's.

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Pat B:
Paul, Seal those staves. They might won't check but if they do, look what you will loose. Spray shellac and about 10 minutes and its done. ;)
  I love the way under bark hickory looks. Makes an excellent bow with the correct M/C. Nice haul! ;D         

ps. I've never seen that trick with the bark and the sledge but I will use it.

Man, I cant believe how easy that came off, I always buy my staves with the bark on and I go through a lot of work to get them not near that clean. Steve
Like Pat said, if you havent allready sealed them I would do it tonight, they can crack just over one day. Steve

thanks Pat - Steve. Don't worry, I've learned my lesson on the sealing thing. They all got a good slathering of Elmers as soon as they got peeled (see the shiny coat on them?) Took the skin off to get rid of buggies, and sealed them to avoid crackies. Guess I'll take em to the Ponderosa tomorrow and store in one of the retired cars for safe keeping.

Pat B:
Paul, Take one of those down to floor tiller stage, put it on a form and in a month you will be able to start working it. Don't make it too strong. It will increase in strength over the next year or so.    Pat


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