Well, I got so caught up in posting my sons bow yesterday that I forgot to put this one on here.
Osage, 51" ntn, draws around 45# @ 25" or so. I did this one without the aid of a tillering tree. I just floor tillered and then held the handle close to my cheek while pushing the string away from me while sighting down the side of the limb. Tried to do it as primitive as I could. It does make it harder to see where it needs to bend from limb to limb though.
Just some plain leather wrapped around the handle, turkey feather, made the beads myself out of wood, used a turkey beard on the upper limb, attached with sinew and pitch.
It's an inch wide at the handle and for most of it's length then the knocks are just under 3/4"
wanted to heat straighten it but decided against it later.
Finished with Peanut oil and wax, just because that was the most natural stuff I had.
Don't really know if it's any certain style or not, I just started making it and this is what came of it.