Fine looking young man holding some nice looking horns.
Sorry the rest of the deer was not salvageable....
My late Mother took a spike buck with her 1978 Ford Cougar one year.
Took me about eight hours to get that dear cleaned of chrome and bone fragments.
I was twelve, and that was the first deer I had ever cleaned and processed by myself.
But I tell ya, I can still remember how Wonderful the venison stew smelled cooking there on the stove afterwards.
We had just left the house on our way to a family gathering at the lease we were hunting that year.
Not five miles from the house when she "Got Her Deer"...
After I got the car outa the deer and the deer outa the car and made sure the car was still safe to drive, we went on to the lease.
That Lady had a will, and iron in her spine... She was able to step over that traumatic event and find the humor in it.
Even though she was sorry for the deer and pi$$ed about the damage to her car, she was the only one to get a deer that weekend.
And she found the humor in relaying the story of how she got her buck, to all of the dedicated hunters on the lease.
Far as I know that was her one and only deer.
