In just a few days we have all witnessed a miricle on here. I felt pain for you and didn't know what to say when you posted that your wife wanted to leave. Now she wants to stay and work it out?!?! Brother that right there is a miricle.
I heard this once and I'm going to share it with you. When God joined Adam and Eve He healed their wounds in there sides and joined them as whole and healed. Yet we all come or have come into our relationships with wounds that have not been healed. Many times they have not even been addressed. It is hard to make a mariage work when both husband and wife come together wounded. That's where the communication, counseling, church or whatever it takes to make your relationship beautiful. Not just "make it work." God didn't intend for is to just make it work. We were created to enjoy the best. Nothing less.
As hard ad it may be at times we are commanded to love our wife above all else and to honor her. When you do that miricles happen and what you thought was not possible not only happens, but it's even better than before. Like Jimbob said. I don't know if you are a praying man, but that's what I know.
You do not have to be right. And your wife does not have to be wrong. But you do have to love and honor her. If you do that it will not matter who is right. I don't think you can do this. I KNOW you can do what it takes for you to make your relationship full of joy and love for you and your wife and your little one. Court her again. Remember back when you just wanted that first date and do the things you did that compelled her to say, "I do."
Most of all don't just try, but do. If it means you bid your farewells now, I would be happy for you knowing that you and your family were happily united in a loving relationship. Ken is right. And unfortuanatley too many times us men put way too many things and people above our wives. Sit down and make a list of how you spend your time. Your wife, child and work should be at the top. If they are not, then remake the list until they are.
I have known to many amigos that I grew up with that have not been given the opportunity you have been given and they are now single. Take this opportunity and blossom where you have been planted. Go back to being that young man that your wife picked as her husband. Invictous... Nate.. Invictous...
It takes a lot of courage and honesty to do what you have done. Now turn it into action.
am praying for you and your family.