That's looking pretty good

Tiller doesn't look bad at all. The upper inner limb (close to the handle fade) might be a tad stiff, but it's not much.
This bow does not require a rawhide backing, especially if you're going to remove the cambium. It is hickory (extremely tension strong), designed correctly, tillered correctly and one single growth ring on the back. There is no reason why this bow would need a backing, especially considering you've already shot this bow (without problems). The rawhide backing may shift the tiller a bit, but most importantly: it will make your bow slower, since it adds mass to the limbs (without much increase in performance).
The snakeskin is a good idea for camouflage, and adds very little mass so it hardly slows the bow down.
To increase the arrowspeed a bit, you might consider narrowing those tips down. I'm sure there is some excess mass in the tips. But if you like the way she shoots, you can just leave the tips as they are.
For future reference:
in this topic you can find the front profile and more pics of the bow.