Generally my bows name themselves. On my hunting bow I made last year and am still using this year no name came to me for over a year until one day I noticed one ot the elk tip overlays had disappeared. In my box or antlers and horns found a small wedge od American Bison horn so I shaped it and glued it on...then her name came to me..."Two Tips".
"Marilyn" was the name of an osage selfbow I treated with Chlorox to add a patina, "Holy Moley" has a hole in it's upper limb, for "Cinco de Mayo", she was either completed on May 5th or I was drinking a Carona when I finished her, "Pole Cat" is a bow I made from a 2" diameter osage pole. "Trouble Maker, handle with care" is a boo backed hickory that fretted so I added osage belly lam but it came apart at the handle so I wrapped the handle then the fades started lifting so I wrapped the fades. I still shoot this bow after 5 or 6 years of trouble. She was my back-up bow on my Colorado elk hunt with Kenneth this year.
There are many other bows I've named and all of them told me what they wanted to be called.