After meeting so many great people from this website I'm not suprised anymore when I meet another nice guy from the site. George Stoneburg came into town Friday to see his Dad And I was hoping we could get on some hogs while he was here. I put corn out in the grove where they had been eating the tangerines Friday morning and we hit it at Daylight Saturday morning.
The weather was perfect, light misty rain, a cold front moving through and big ol' gallon nipper mosquitos.

We moved through the grove checking all the spots that I had dumped corn. I was amazed that none of it had been touched and there was only two sets of fresh tracks since the rain started. Looked like a boar hog looking for sows that had just wandered around.
We jumped in the Jeep and drove to another grove that usually has hogs, deer and turkeys. No luck there either.So we went back to the first grove and George played tourist. I wish I could have put him on some hogs but did get to meet a swell guy and at least get him some Tangerines and a little rock. Maybe next time.