Author Topic: Iceman Murder Mystery  (Read 6977 times)

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Offline Keenan

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Re: Iceman Murder Mystery
« Reply #15 on: November 03, 2011, 10:20:25 pm »
I saw that.  Good program.  I thought it was funny why these doctorate level researchers speculated on why he walked around with so many unfinished arrows, hmmm, maybe he had taken the time to cut them straighten them and new he could use them in a pinch if he lost the others that were finished?  Do have to wonder if these super academic people who study this have made an arrow before!

Lactose deficiency is the norm for most of the world's population.  The ability to digest lactose after a couple of years of age is peculiar and really only common in European genetic codes, also being a relatively modern mutation that occured after Utzi's time.

I thought the same thing, If they had any clue as to how skilled and how fast they could make a shooter from those shafts it would really mess up their analysis