Thanks guys! Getting out in the woods hunting is good therapy for sure! I finally got around to taking a deer with the bow I got from Ryano...Ryan, if you check this string out, your bow did a fine job!

I only hunted three times last year, just didn't have my heart in it. I haven't made a bow now for over two years although I've helped with quite a few during that time. It does feel good to be getting back into it again, and enjoying good times with good friends...and I do have some very good friends!
Getting a deer with your bow is just icing on the cake...but I enjoy just seeing wildlife as well. Took off work last Friday and hunted the morning. I was watching a small eight point behind me out of range, and had a fox squirrel come up the tree I was in. He got right level with me and we were looking each other in the eyes about a foot apart! He never did figure out what I was!

But maybe he satisfied his curiosity, I don't know...