Great thread! I've been making tomato stake arrows since I finished my first bow about 3 years ago. I love them. They are tough as nails. But, I'm not too old to learn new tricks

I never thought of using a razor blade to split to a predrilled hole for the nocks. I'll give that a try. Lately, I've been using a Dremel tool with a cutting wheel. The cutting wheel is a bit thinner than needed for the string to slide on, but this allow me to correct a bit if I don't get the cut dead center because I use the cutting wheel to sand the gap wider anyhow.
I've not used the Gorilla glue. Got to give it a try.
Is the hot melt glue you use the same stuff as you can buy anywhere for the hot melt glue guns? Or is it specially formulated for archery purposes?
A couple note:
Lowes sells the bamboo stakes individually so you can pre-sort them before you buy them.
When I cut the stakes I tape them with a clear scotch tape. I find this helps prevent splitter. You still have to go slowly, though.