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Just finished up my first working atlatl last night- a fun little day project. Gotta say, I can see why it took so long for the bow to come about- it is simple to make and the dart was easier to straighten. It was fun. :)

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cool :)

kegan when we do our primitive weekend a fella from mass shows up witha bunch of atlatls and darts. everybody stops what they are doing and starts throwing its a lot of fun. nice job

I was there at Jamie's event, and it was a gas! In fact, I just put a coat of finish on my atlatl, with the tip of a cow horn at the business end (since I don't know atlatl nomenclature). I'll post some pics when I have the handle wrap on it. I may put a counterweight stone on it, too, not sure yet.


Cool. Just be careful, throwing darts is addictive.


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