At last years Classic Gary Davis walked up to me and handed this short stave to me. He said he wanted to see what I could do with it. It was obviously meant to be a kids bow as Gary had it marked with "35#". When I saw it I immediately thought short sinew backed bow. She is about 53"t/t, 1 1/8" wide at the widest and a little bit of snakey character.
The stave was straight limbed with some backset in it as is the usual with Gary's staves. I added the reflexed tips and did a little tillering but it didn't need much.
I began sinew backing it about a month ago. As of now I have put down 2 layers, the first one from the salvaged sinew from my last failed "Elkie" sinew attempt and just the other day I added about 3 or 4 back sinews worth of sinew.. Before adding any sinew A put in about 5"+ of backset by placing the tips up on blocks and drawing the handle down , using a sinew loop and a small cup hook. I figured the sinew loop wood blend in with the rest of the sinew when it was time to take it off the form and I cut off the loop. I will let the sinew cure for a month or so then complete the tillering. I plan to cover the sinew back with snake skin and add tip overlays and a handle wrap to purty her up some. So, here she is as of now...