Author Topic: Plans for a Haversack ?  (Read 15955 times)

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Offline johnston

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Plans for a Haversack ?
« on: November 03, 2011, 01:32:03 am »
Saw a haversack in the county museum that was supposedly used in the War of Northern Aggression and I want to make one. My leather experience totals one quiver and even though the sack ain't rocket surgery I was wondering if anybody had a pattern. Did a search and found one Pat did in February of ought 10 but it was more of a possibles bag.

 If you can post a pic it would help me get an idea. Thanks.


Offline Bryce H

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Re: Plans for a Haversack ?
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2011, 09:29:04 am »
Lane, like most articles of the period, their design is fairly simple and practical. It really is as simple as a straight piece of canvas folded and sewn on the sides with a strap added to the bag. You can waterproof it with linseed oil or a wax or a spray. I can't believe I don't have a picture of mine somewhere; I'll try to remember to take one when I get home as I keep it in my truck.

Here's a couple links though; the designs are really quite simple however and there's endless room for decoration.

The latter link is from a guy who posts some extremely interesting stuff from the Revolutionary Period.

Hope that helps!

Offline johnston

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Re: Plans for a Haversack ?
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2011, 11:36:29 am »
Well hell, that looks like the one I saw but it is clearer in the photos.

Thank you, was just what I wanted.


Offline Bryce H

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Re: Plans for a Haversack ?
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2011, 02:00:47 pm »
No problem.

In my honest opinion, I actually prefer the snapsack to the haversack. It holds way more and you can roll a blanket and oil cloth around it and/or tie a tommahawk or ax to it for chopping. It's simply a "tube" of canvas about 2 1/2-3ft long and slings around your shoulder, but it will carry more than necessary for an entire weekend excursion if you're a minimalist. The combination of haversack/snapsack you can almost live in the woods. Here's a picture of my snapsack:

It's not full, but from the other items there you can gauge the size and adapt it to the size of your body or the blanket you roll 'round it.

Offline Pat B

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Re: Plans for a Haversack ?
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2011, 08:11:57 pm »
Lane, the possibles bag I made was a shrunk down version of a haversack we made at the leather shop I owned way back when. It is a simple pattern and can be hand or machine stitched. I prefer hand stitching. I could make up a pattern and mail it to you.   I'll take a pic of the one I have that was made back in 1976 or 1977 and post it here. It is a full size haversack.
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC

Offline Bryce H

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Re: Plans for a Haversack ?
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2011, 10:51:44 pm »
I actually remembered! LOL

My haversack-

Offline johnston

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Re: Plans for a Haversack ?
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2011, 12:40:33 am »
Pat I sure appreciate it but don't go to any trouble. I lightly laid out a "bag" today from the ones Bryce posted but thought to let it
rest til around Saturday. Ain't cut nothing yet. Gonna add a sheath and maybe a compass pocket.

Bryce thanks so much. My journey into primitive has been like waking up and a snapsack or something like it will be in my future.
 Just like those woven quivers that Pat makes. But I can't get to it all in a rush, defeats the purpose.

Why the hell did I wait til I was 57 to commit to this way of life?


Offline Bryce H

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Re: Plans for a Haversack ?
« Reply #7 on: November 04, 2011, 10:22:18 am »
No problem, Lane. I've been reading about that kind of stuff for more than half my life now....I love it. I can't say that I live it 100%, but I do as much as my girlfriend will let me get away with.  ;) It's amazing how talented people were, and how much knowledge they had, when you begin to look back. A lot of the things we rely on makes you wonder if we're that far advanced. Sure, our THINGS have advanced. Our tvs and satellites pick up signals from outer friggen space. What of us? Can you or I make that tv? Their days were filled with knowledge and doing; ours we rely less on knowledge and more on someone else. It's fun, I think most will enjoy at least dipping themselves in the past....people do it on this forum daily. It's truly invigorating. Good luck to ya Lane.


Offline johnston

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Re: Plans for a Haversack ?
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2011, 01:39:18 pm »
It is true..gotta crawl afore you can walk.
I have a genuine need for a sack and so made this first one out of
double layered canvas. Beeswax between layers and stitched with artificial sinew.
Ain't by no means pretty but it works.


Offline JW_Halverson

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Re: Plans for a Haversack ?
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2011, 02:45:29 pm »
There ya go! 

Pick one side or the other where your shoulder strap attaches.  Snip off the threads you used to sew it on.  Sew a large flat button on the back of the haversack and sew a buttonhole on the strap.  You will be surprised how may times you will use the button to take off the bag instead of raising it over hour head....especially in the rain when you won't wanna knock off your hat, etc. 

All my shooting bags for my various muzzleloader have some apparatus like that.  Some have multiple buttonholes on the length of the strap so that I can let 'em out when I wear heavier layers and can shorten them up again in warm weather.  I like to wear mine up high against my ribs instead of down low on my hip.  If you are wondering why, just try running with it hanging low.  then hitch it up higher and try running again!  It will get in less trouble up high and tight and unless you are packing bowling balls or cinderblocks in it you will not notice it as much either.  Down low it keeps slapping against your leg, bouncing and flopping around, coincidentally making noise.
Guns have triggers. Bicycles have wheels. Trees and bows have wooden limbs.

Offline johnston

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Re: Plans for a Haversack ?
« Reply #10 on: November 06, 2011, 05:04:36 pm »
To damn much running involved to test the theory so I 'll take your word for it John.

Makes sense, thank you.


Offline Pat B

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Re: Plans for a Haversack ?
« Reply #11 on: November 06, 2011, 05:21:01 pm »
Lane, here are a few pics of the haversack that was made for me by my partner in the leather shop probably 35 or more years ago. I believe it is the same height and width as the original haversacks. This bag is 10" high, 14" wide(across the front) with a 7" gusset.   We made them with different width gussets determining the thickness of the bag.  We also used 6oz oak tanned leather. I'm not sure what the originals were made of. I have made 2 or 3 different smaller versions of this design that you saw as possibles bags and a few using garmet leather for a softer bag.

Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC

Offline johnston

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Re: Plans for a Haversack ?
« Reply #12 on: November 06, 2011, 09:26:11 pm »
Thank you sir, I really like that.

I am doing a lot of woods walking this year. I knew I was gonna be on medical leave for a couple months so I really
made a point of locating a bunch of public land that was unknown to me. Leave the truck and make a circle, half day , whole day
depends on the country. Don't kill much but as you know, that ain't the point.

An easy to wear sack makes toting the little incidentals a breeze and will add up to more exploring and adventure.
But you know that.


Offline Bryce H

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Re: Plans for a Haversack ?
« Reply #13 on: November 07, 2011, 08:53:07 am »
Great lookin' bag, Lane. You too, Pat.