Author Topic: Bow and Arrow making demo at Medievil Fayre  (Read 12809 times)

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Bow and Arrow making demo at Medievil Fayre
« on: July 06, 2007, 08:32:25 am »
        This weekend I am helping a mate out with his archery stall at the biggest medievil fayre in the southern hemisphere - The Abbey Medievil Fayre located at Ningi just north of Brisbane Queensland and only 10 minutes from home . I am not a medievil reinactor they are too advanced for me - more of a Neanderthal type actually but I really enjoyed last year when I helped Cliff out for the first time - I sat about in costume  using period accurate tools that where better than I normally use .It seemed I  spoke to all of the 20 000 plus people that came through the gate who all asked me the same bloody questions - Making a bow mate ? , Is that a real bow mate ? ,What sort of wood is that mate ? Are you making arrows mate ? , Is that a real arrow ? ,what wood are they made of mate ? - you get the drift , I loved chatting to these folks and demonstrating the art of primitive bow and arrow making is thriving , most where fascinated , many recounted stories of there childhood adventures with bows of tree limbs  strung with venitian blind cord and rose bush arrows and how cranky mum was when she realised where the stuff came from . The appeal of archery never leaves us . regards Perry

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Re: Bow and Arrow making demo at Medievil Fayre
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2007, 09:21:11 am »
Sounds like fun,I done one a couple of weeks ago here in Tennessee,not near as big but
it was fun talking to folks and see there reaction at some of the bow.They just didn't know you could really make your own,don't know what they think people had done for years.Have fun and pass it on. :)
TwinOaks Bowhunters
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Re: Bow and Arrow making demo at Medievil Fayre
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2007, 06:11:00 pm »
Perry, what sort of tools where ya using? I will be doing some reenacting here in WA State and would like to know what type of tools medieval bowyers used and maybe make some of my own. Sounds like you had a great time and will again!

David Tiller
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Re: Bow and Arrow making demo at Medievil Fayre
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2007, 06:20:36 pm »
Hey Perry, where are the photos?  ;D



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Re: Bow and Arrow making demo at Medievil Fayre
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2007, 08:02:54 am »
         Day I of the fayre over and I'm worn out , spoke to thousands of people today my voice is scratchy , folks where lined up 3 or 4 deep 20 abreast at times all fascinated. Didn't get the bow to floor tiller as I hoped to many breaks in the job but its coming along great except for the grub I found buried in the belly wood,can't find any little tunnels into its tomb either little bugger spirited itself in there or has tunnelled a long way between the sap wood and the heartwood , I hate using staves I haven't preped myself , but my mate that asked me to help wanted to show his appreciation and am sure Aussie bow wood will help me , not like your puny Osage which cant cope with a grub attack . Am confident I can salvage a 45 # bow from it
        No can do with any photo's , I'm a dill on the computer and a worse photographer I'm sure if you typed in Abbey Museum or Abbey Medievil Fayre something would come up .

       As for tools I used an Adz for chipping out the profile and rough shaping of the belly , amazing how smooth and precise one can be with them - no need for a rasp with any sort of care taken and my favourite tool for rounding out the belly is called a float - if you can imagine 20 scrappers set into a block of wood about 6" long by 2 " wide with a steel handle mounted on top , peels off lovely tightly curled shavings - fast and smooth no chatter . Did use a non period farriers rasp as well , some tools are to valuable not too use

      Looking forward to tomorrow . regards Perry


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Re: Bow and Arrow making demo at Medievil Fayre
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2007, 06:09:27 pm »
        I did'nt get through day 2 as my mum took a turn for the worse and ended up in hospital , she's a stubborn old chook at least we have a diagnosis  , it's up to her now .

         Day 2 was going really well , I had a dad and his son come up to me and thank me for last year for the guidance I gave them in getting started in the sport and a retired gent who I met at the fayre last year as well thanked me for the coaching and advice , he now hunts with bow and arrow and not firearms something that he has wanted to do for many years .

        One young fella approached me with a beatifull reflexed needle tipped bow made from one of our wattle species and he had it strung backwards and was complaining of its lack of cast . There is only 2 people capable of and actually making bows of this standard of workmanship in Sth East queensland and using this design and timber which I recognised but he told me he bought it secondhand and not form Alan  OR Glen which explains the error . He asked if the bow was ruined - in 2 weeks when he is back from holidays I will repair a  knot on the back of the bow for him and over a little while see if we can retrain the bow , wattle [ acacia ] is tough stuff so I'm hopefull for him

       Over all I loved spreading the Traditional archery word and will take every opportunity to do more selfbow and arrow making demo's . Primitive archery is beginning to grow beyond a few enthuisists into a accepted part of archery in Australia now . regards Perry

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Re: Bow and Arrow making demo at Medievil Fayre
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2007, 06:42:21 pm »
Good work, Perry. You are a good ambassador for archery and especially primitive archery!  ;) My hat is off to you.    Pat
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC