Hello folks!
Its bin a while! So i got back into my stable
Made this BL Flatbow out of a nice piece of wood i got from work..(thank you taxpayers! )
She's 66" ntn 2"wide at fades,and under a 1/2" at the nocks,straight taper,kida like a piramide bow. She pulls a good +60# at 28" draw. she has a good cast, and hits the target very hard! Backed it with a 1piece shed skin of a boa constrictor! got that from a friend, she used to trow them away!!! finished with 4layers of clear P.u varnish.

This one is an elderberry recurve(ish)bow 63" ntn 1"1/4 at the fades, and under a half inch at the nocks. This one, is one of the fastest bows i made for sure! to bad i have no fps meter!!
Smooth draw and shoots where i look every time! 0 hand shock..Love this wood realy! Tiller look a bit weird,i know..but i did the best i could do
ow yea,i forgot, its around #50 at 27" 1/4" stringfollow.
Hope ya like! FD picture isnt that great..ill take an other one asap.
