Main Discussion Area > Arrows

modern or primitive arrows

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By modern arrows I mean store-bought cedar, spruce, larch, pine, etc shafting with a modern poly (or other) modern finish.

By primitive I mean something you could go in the woods to find or that you've traded for (that someone collected from their local woods) or even store-bought Martha Stewart bamboo..... shoots, bamboo, river cane and the like. I think y'all know what I mean....

BTW, this isn't meant to start that "What is primitive ??" war of words.. I'm just curious as to what y'all use for hunting.



Pat B:
For the last 3 years I've used sourwood shoots(and some other shoot wood) with stone points for hunting. Unfortunately I can't report of their effectiveness...although I have no doubts. I have sourwood and cane arrows with trades on them. But, I also have modern arrows with store bought steel points but also trades and stone. Depending which bow I choose to hunt with, I may end up using a modern arrow this year but it will have stone on it...although, I'd like to see what a Wensel Woodsman will do! ;D    Pat

                                          Only use cane with foreshafts and stone pernts fer huntin deer, hawgs etc. Small game use wood blunts on cane arras...........bob

I use cain and sour wood with trade and stone head sometimes ,but most of the time I use
Hickory and cedar with glue on 160 Ace 2 bladed head.They all work well but with all the
bow building I do for myself and helping people I just don't take the time for arrows,they
take more time than a bow for me. :)

Cane, sourwood, and other shoot shafts with stone or the occasional saw-blade trade point. I also sometimes make split/sawed and hand planed shafts from poplar, pine, or ash.


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