What's that falling from the sky......

Could it be....could it really be...is that a....

Sweet yeller manna from heaven

Oh thank you Jesus

Oooo...looks like she's got prairie rattlesnake skins....nice

Oh I wonder what weight and draw she is...and what's her name.

Perfect for me...and she's gonna be my hero and leading lady in my cast of bows this fall,and save the day and help me bring home the meat

Nice camouflage

Just look at that Osage trunk

And this one too....

Look at those tips. I bet she's fast

Love a straight profile

Let's string this bad girl up and see what she looks like

Now let's see her curvaceous curve

Signature shot

I weighed and shot a 636 grain arrow in front of two witnesses that casts an arrow at...

That's dang good for only a 24" draw bow. Its 63" ntn.
Thanks for looking....take care. And god bless this years hunting season to all...Chris