Howdy Pa members, I have a favor to ask......
A good friend of mine has a Brother who's boss has just been diagnosed with prostate cancer. His Brother says his Boss really likes arrowheads, and pretty much the primitive stuff. I think he has found a few here and there. He doesn't knapp, but just appreciates them. My Buddy told his Brother that I knapp. I do break stone, but Knapp? Well anyway, he said his Brother would really like to get some arrowheads, for him. I told him I can make functional, but not pretty, and that I would let him sort through some of my hunting points, and he could take some of those to him. He said that is ok, since some of those he has found were not real pretty, just pretty neat. So anyone out there who would like to donate an arrow head, or something in that line, or a primitive tool, I would appreciate it if you would send him one. It could even be a trade point. His Boss is a really nice guy. If you are interested, his Name is Steve Mathias. You can send your primitive object, or arrowhead, etc. to him care of Chris Falter 2105 Jerrylynn court, Plant City, Fl,33567. If you would please put a little sticky note or something to say what style of arrow head, or tool, type of stone, etc., or if it is just a free lance style, and so forth, plus your name if you want. You can sign them. Thanks, I appreciate it, and I know his Boss will. It will make his treatment go a little easier.