Author Topic: Billy Berger will be on Discovery Channel This Sunday!!!  (Read 29223 times)

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Offline fishfinder401

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Re: Billy Berger will be on Discovery Channel This Sunday!!!
« Reply #75 on: October 10, 2011, 11:45:58 am »
are you actually going to do this, because that would be amazing ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
warbows and fishing, what else is there to do?
modern technology only takes you so far, remove electricity and then what

Offline Cameroo

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Re: Billy Berger will be on Discovery Channel This Sunday!!!
« Reply #76 on: October 10, 2011, 01:35:21 pm »
This just aired here last night, great show.  I thought it was kinda funny that a show about paleo survival was sponsored by Intel  :D

My reactions were similar to others - I was surprised that the "cold feet" lady did as well as she did.  Looked like she was the first one to provide meat by catching trout, and she did well with the atlatl.

It was nice to see the respect that was paid to the elk, but I also wonder about the mentality of some of those people that refused to eat it because of guilt.  Those same people probably have no problem eating beef, chicken, etc. on a daily basis.  Just because someone else kills the animal for them, that seems to make it ok to eat...  ::)

Offline cracker

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Re: Billy Berger will be on Discovery Channel This Sunday!!!
« Reply #77 on: October 10, 2011, 02:04:25 pm »
I have to wonder what would become of the lazies who sat around the fire and did nothing. I suspece that in actual paleo times they might have been left out to starve. They most likely operated on the if a person does not work then niether should they eat rule. Ron
P.S. Pappy inspite of joking about the club I really would love to see a video on brain tanning. Ron
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Offline stickbender

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Re: Billy Berger will be on Discovery Channel This Sunday!!!
« Reply #78 on: October 10, 2011, 04:55:44 pm »
     A Friend of mine in Madison Fla. had a Grandfather who built a log cabin on the Withlachootchie river, and in the kitchen, is a little plaque that says, " Them that work, eats." ;)

« Last Edit: October 12, 2011, 08:19:41 pm by stickbender »

Offline Parnell

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Re: Billy Berger will be on Discovery Channel This Sunday!!!
« Reply #79 on: October 10, 2011, 08:10:24 pm »
Finally just got to see the second half.  I enjoyed it very much!  I second Mechslasher, I about fell over when the guy made the comment about not sleeping with them so why should I feed them.  Guess it doesn't take long for PC to go out the window when the going gets tough.  Hysterical!  Very interesting though that the guy called it quits.
The elk kill was as good a hunting scene as I've ever witnessed on TV.  To be able to hear it breathing it's last breaths was intense and to see the animals eyes brought it home to me.  I felt like I could identify with it based on my experience.

Just gotta say how much I enjoyed it.  My hat is off to you, Billy.

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Re: Billy Berger will be on Discovery Channel This Sunday!!!
« Reply #80 on: October 10, 2011, 09:02:15 pm »
 Ronnie, when it comes to the lazies, that might just be a small glimpse of society. Not everybody is a hunter, some might have to gather firewood, butcher, take care of the fire, or be a prostitute to be worth their time for the rest of the group to feed.
Lakeland, Florida
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Offline JW_Halverson

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Re: Billy Berger will be on Discovery Channel This Sunday!!!
« Reply #81 on: October 10, 2011, 11:33:00 pm »
I can easily picture the camp in late winter when supplies of the last bountiful season are shrivelling up a little too fast.  The elder that really has the touch for knapping makes a couple extra good points for the hunters.  Auntie pulls out some hides she was saving and made a warm coat for her nephew going on his first extended hunt.  Everyone took a little of their pot each evening to share with the young hunters to make sure they were well fed and strong.  I really doubt the all for one and one for all concept sprung brand new from the mind of the Three Musketeers author.  I hope those watching identify more with those that busted a hump for the good of all.
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Offline Cbert

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Re: Billy Berger will be on Discovery Channel This Sunday!!!
« Reply #82 on: October 11, 2011, 03:27:28 am »
I watched it, that was really cool! How do you get the opportunity to do something like that? What i wouldn't do for a chance.  Did it just drop in your lap, did you apply, a friend/connection, or was it your shin-dig? Anyhow I really appreciate watching things like this.  Really gets my flame lit. Thanks for the heads up!


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Re: Billy Berger will be on Discovery Channel This Sunday!!!
« Reply #83 on: October 11, 2011, 07:22:16 am »
   I see you're point I think I was commenting on this one certain individual that seemed to have the recipient mentality. I doubt that this existed in those long gone days the concept of society owing a living to anyone probably did not exist. The thought of starvation or being exiled was probably a strong incentive to get up off ones backside and get busy. As far as the prostitute that might be an incentive to be a better hunter, more dead critters equals more girlfriends. Ron
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Offline iowabow

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Re: Billy Berger will be on Discovery Channel This Sunday!!!
« Reply #84 on: October 11, 2011, 12:35:27 pm »
To keep this kid friendly I think the women are not portrayed correctly in this video. Where are the children? how about all the activities like weaving and processing of food stuffs. Many females died in child birth so who was taking care of the other children that were left without a mother. So this means that women were taking care of there children and their dead sisters' and mothers' children. I also think while it is true that women did a majority or the work as it relates to the children the men were most likely very involved with the young men starting at the age of 11 when they could participate in hunting activities and act as a support in hunting camps. The younger girls 7-13 were were most likely assisting in with childcare and food processing. I lived in PA and watch Amish children, boys and girl, preform many farm duties that you work associate with adults. The producers of this reality program  jumped us into a time period without any of the basic social structure that would have realistically been in place. Young women would have also married and a very young age and this helped divide and redistribute people and labor through the clan. You could see from the video many were OK to just sit and do nothing. After spending time in the military, getting a job done meant everyone giving a 110% till the job was done. When I returned to civilian life I was surprised how different things can be when it come to getting something done.  I think this program told us a lot about who we are as a people today and that is scary!
P.S. Billy gave that 110% as well as a few others.
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Re: Billy Berger will be on Discovery Channel This Sunday!!!
« Reply #85 on: October 11, 2011, 02:42:22 pm »
Iowabow good point we are also looking at people with a modern mentality and outlook. Our ancestors probably saw things a bit differently. Ronnie
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Offline Cameroo

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Re: Billy Berger will be on Discovery Channel This Sunday!!!
« Reply #86 on: October 11, 2011, 03:02:00 pm »
Also, the people that seemed like they weren't doing much were probably thinking "I just have to make it a few more days".  I suspect if this was a long-term situation, their behaviors would have been much different.

Offline Jimbob

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Re: Billy Berger will be on Discovery Channel This Sunday!!!
« Reply #87 on: October 12, 2011, 01:50:12 am »
After spending time in the military, getting a job done meant everyone giving a 110% till the job was done. When I returned to civilian life I was surprised how different things can be when it come to getting something done.  I think this program told us a lot about who we are as a people today and that is scary!
P.S. Billy gave that 110% as well as a few others.

I know what you mean about transitioning back to civilian life.  If I remember correctly, there was a guy on the show that claimed to be a former MP in the Army and as I recall, he was one of the ones that was not contributing very much.  As a former MP myself, I felt that he didnt represent the Army very well or veterans in general.  While I have never lived this primitive I have definatly lived without creature comforts.  During those times everyone pitched in to improve our living situation, and if this guy were ever in my unit he would have had a rude awakening.  I feel that had this been a real situation where they had no choice but to survive, that things would have been alot different or they might have found themselves trying to fend for thier own.
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Offline Stonedog

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Re: Billy Berger will be on Discovery Channel This Sunday!!!
« Reply #88 on: October 15, 2011, 11:31:49 am »
Tennyson said is best:

"Tho' Nature, red in tooth and claw"

The hunting scene when they walked up on the wounded elk was emotionally powerful, but that is the way the natural world works.

When Billy talked about how emotional it is to take an animal's life I knew EXACTLY what he meant.

We as hunters kill what we love.  If we every lose the empathy towards an animal for taking it's life then I feel it is time to hang up the bows and arrows and search our souls for what is missing.

That's my briar and I am sticking to it!  If you don't like it....sue me.

Great job.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2011, 11:37:32 am by Cinead »
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Offline n2huntn

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Re: Billy Berger will be on Discovery Channel This Sunday!!!
« Reply #89 on: October 18, 2011, 01:33:13 am »
I wish Billy would say more about the kill. Did the atlatal bring it down or not. Was the thing tranquilized or rifle shot? The elk were in velvet so I doubt they are wild and certainly didn't act like it. Are they farm raised pets ? It seems fake and there is no pride to be taken in killing farm raised animals with any weapon. Fraud is fraud. I'm calling bull$*&^ .
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