Great show, I really enjoyed it. The water filter made from charcoal was very cool. Several members brought a lot to the show. The black haired girl, that was hating the cold, really made some interesting "spiritual" changes as the days progressed. Couple more weeks I think she would have passed on cooking and started eating meat raw.
Knapping and hunting is not new to Billy, but he kept a positive and supportive attitude for the entire show, well done dude!
Not sure how the group was chosen, but it did not appear that survival skills and outdoor experience was on the top of the list, so I am not surprised a few knowledgeable ones took the lead.
I would have liked to have seen a bow and arrows (like Otzi's) introduced instead of the atlatl, but I'm not the producer...

It was awesome to see an elk taken with the atlatl. Amazing how lethal that hit was.
Wonder if anything else in is the works??