First of all I wood like to thank everyone who participated,whether it be a bow was made and sent, or attempted to make. Hopefully some young folks will reap the fruits of your labors.

Jon(straightarrow),Bill(hickorybill) and I met up at a local sportsman club yesterday(sept 24) in the morning to do the testing. This ensures a neutral grounds testing site.
First photo here is a blank scorecard to show you how each bow was tested.

So let me explain the process as to how each bow was tested and scored. First thing we looked for was for any splinters,chrysals and frets,damages,and a general lookover of the bow to make sure it was a safe bow to string up and if there was any problems to make sight of it to see if those problems got any worse later after shooting.
Second was to measure all the bows dimensions first before bracing the bow. And after bracing the brace height and the bows braced blue print(positive,0,or negative tiller) was measured.
Next up was the extractor of truth(chronograph test) 3 shots were taken from each bow from the same arrow. Here is the arrow on a scale,and it weighed 454 grains.

The 3 shots were then added up and divided by three to give a average speed number for each bow.
Fourth step was the actually shooting of each bow. We all brought a slew of arrows with varying spines and lengths to make sure we properly found a batch of arrows to each bow. All of the bows were properly matched and we didn't have any mismatches. This ensured that each bow was given its proper due. We all shot each bow as many times as possible until we felt we had a good sense of feel of how each bow liked to be handled and shot.
The next step was to unbrace the bow and immediately measure the bows unbraced profile,and look for any defects or if there were defects before shooting;did they get worse or not.
The last step was then to judge the bows durability. We were able to look at the bows stats and remember how the bow shot for this step. There were four categories to score in the durability testing. First up was; was the bow within proper dimensions for a red oak board bow by looking at its measurements. Secondly was the visual inspection of the bow. This included any frets,tool marks,splinters,too sharp of corners,and any damage to the bow,as well as the bows tiller. Third was the bows shooting qualities. How the bow shot,accuracy,hand shock,and any other bad or good qualities. And lastly was;did the bow meet within the calculated mass weight formula for each bow. Each bow was calculated to what the bows ideal mass weight should be.and then it was compared to the actual weight of the bow. This gave us a general idea as to whether the bow was under or overbuilt.
Each of those four categories were given a 1 thru 10 score(ten being the best) by each individual. Each persons score was then added up individually. All three individual scores were then added up and divided by three to give an average number for the bows durability.
That average durability score NUMBER was then added to the bows chronograph number for the bows TOTAL SCORE.
Here's the bows all lined up ready to be tested.

So first up on the chop block was Josh Baty(Josh) His is the first bow on the left. 45lbs@28" 69.5" ntn
Here is his being chronographed. It spit an arrow 147 fps

Here's Joshes at full draw

Next up was Lane Johnston(Johnston) first bow on right in upper pic with all the bows. 42lbs@28" 62.5"ntn. Here is his being chronographed at 149fps.

Here's Lanes at full draw.

Third was Matt Schenk(MattS) 41lbs@28" this bow chronographed at 133

Here's MattS' at full draw

Fourth was Ron H. May-Pumphrey(M-P) 43lbs@28" 70 3/4"ntn
This bow concerned us all. There were heavy frets on the belly in both limbs. There tough to see in the photo

There were more but there hard to see in my photos. Also the bow was a half inch negative tiller and had a couple hinges.
Here's it being chronographed (we all wore safety glasses shooting this one) 137fps

I can gaurentee this bow will fail before the next hundred shots are taken. I was the last person to shoot it at the archery butt. And on my third shot I heard a tick. We immediately unbraced it.
The last bow was by Matt Wirwicki(MWirwicki) 42lbs@28" 70"nth
His chronographed at 143fps

Here's his at full draw

After each bow was individually tested it was time for a much needed lunch break. So we fired up the grill n stuffed some burgers in our faces. Sorry no pics of

Next after our lunch break we strung them all up and shot four of the five all together side by side for comparison and to see if any of us wanted to change are scoring numbers.

After we were all satisfied shooting them and set our numbers in stone,we tallied up the scores.

. Congratulations Lane on a fine win. We all loved shooting your bow. It shot and grouped awesome for each of us. And was properly made with no defects. It also was the fastest bow which was a shocker. Because it has the most string follow and its the shortest bow of the bunch. Definetley cant judge a book by its cover. Well done sir. Well done

The rest of the scoring went like this.
2nd place went to Josh Baty with 181 points. A well made an awesome looking bow Josh.
3rd went to Matt Wirwicki with 176 points. I ll give an honorable mention for the best finished looking bow to Matt. A very professionally made bow
4th went to Matt Schenk with 163 points. We all liked your bow at first and thought it was gonna be a screamer. This bow shot as good accurately and if not a hair better than lanes for me. So honorable mention for the most accurate bow.
last went to Ron H May-Pumphrey with 161 points. Ron im sorry to say this bow will not be donated. Two of the judges shot the bow well,but I did not due to the fact of the heavy frets,off tiller,and the tick on my third shot. We all feel and agreed that the bow should not be donated. Sorry. If you wanna know more please take it up in pm with me.
If anyone wants to privately or pubicly see there scorecard ,then let me know. Also if you wood like to know why your bow placed a certain place then I will let you know either thru pm or publicly. And if you wanna know what you could've done better to have made a better bow then I will give you our constructive criticism as well.
Again thanks to all and congratulations Lane.