A tornado went through my friends farm with a domino effect on one hillside. One big tree uprooted, fell and pushed a line of others down, all up rooted.
Five or six big hickories fell, sure would hate to see them lay on the side of the steep ridge where they fell on and rot. This morning was opening day of bow season but there is plenty of season left so I went after bow staves instead of deer.
Two big pig nut trees had already died and dried up but one pig or mocker nut still had green leaves on it so I went after it. I cut two 6.5 ft logs out of the 18" trunk and started splitting.
I swung my sledge from 9:00 until 1:15 and finally got the trunks reduced into small enough sections to load on my truck.
I am too pooped to see if the bark will pull off today but will go stave up the whole pile tomorrow.
I am getting too old for this stuff, turn 64 in a month but just can't stand to see good bow wood go to waste. The splits are bigger than they appear in the picture, there sre probably about 25 staves in the pile once the big pieces are split into several smaller ones.