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  • 2nd Annual Stone Age & Primitive Skills Celebration: October 15, 2011

Author Topic: 2nd Annual Stone Age & Primitive Skills Celebration, Deerfield, MA 10/15/11  (Read 8837 times)

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Offline Dane

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Franklin County Sportsmen’s Club and the Deerfield Education & Conservation Corporation presents:

2nd Annual Stone Age & Primitive
Skills Celebration

Saturday, October 15, 2011 – 10:00 AM-5:00 PM

Join us for a day of fun, hands-on discovery. Explore and experience some of the skills our ancestors around the world utilized to survive and evolve long before the advent of written history.

Activities will include:

•   ISAC Atlatl and Spear Toss

The atlatl and dart were developed at least 15,000 years ago, giving the hunter the ability to harvest big game.

•   Primitive Archery

The bow and arrow are thought to have been developed during the Mesolithic (middle) Stone Age, and gave the hunter dramatic advantages over the older spear throwers.

•   The Bola

From the Spanish word for ball, the bola is an ancient weapon consisting of three round weights attached to ropes of different lengths, swung in unison over the head and tossed at high velocity to entangle or kill prey.

•   Throwing & Thrusting Spears

Archeological discoveries have dated the wooden throwing spear to approximately 450,000 years ago. Spears are one of humanity’s oldest weapons, and still play a role even now in modern hunter gathering societies, with sport fishermen, and even in warfare in the form of the rifle and bayonet.

•   Ancient Music: Bullroars, Shell Horns

Music has been an intrinsic part of the human experience long before the advent of written notation, perhaps for religious ceremonies, perhaps for signaling and communicating, and perhaps even for entertainment.

•   Ice Age Cave Painting & Mesolithic Stone Pendants: Hands-on Art Projects

The original artists were those long-ago hunters who painted breathtaking scenes in French and Spanish caves. Other forms of art nearly as ancient pointed the way to today’s visual arts. This project is kid-friendly, and will use the same pigments and tools that were used 12,000 years ago. These projects are easy, fun, and will make a nice keepsake and reminder of the visionaries who long preceded Da Vinci, Monet, and Pollack.

This event is family-friendly. Instruction on the atlatl and other ancient hunting weapons will be happily provided to adults and to age-appropriate kids. Food and drink will be available for sale. Entrance is free to the general public.

721 River Road • East Deerfield, Massachusetts 01342

For more info, email Dane Donato:
« Last Edit: September 26, 2011, 01:48:36 pm by Calendargirl »
Greenfield, Western Massachusetts

Offline fishfinder401

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Re: 2nd Annual Stone Age & Primitive Skills Celebration, Deerfield, MA 10/15/11
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2011, 10:50:37 pm »
you have my interest ;D, hope my schedule is clear
warbows and fishing, what else is there to do?
modern technology only takes you so far, remove electricity and then what

Offline Dane

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Re: 2nd Annual Stone Age & Primitive Skills Celebration, Deerfield, MA 10/15/11
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2011, 01:20:44 am »
Come if you can. Bring your dad, too if you want. He was a cool guy.

Hopefully, not as far a drive for you as the last event? And bring some heavy bows, too. Folks will really want to check those out.

Greenfield, Western Massachusetts

Offline fishfinder401

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Re: 2nd Annual Stone Age & Primitive Skills Celebration, Deerfield, MA 10/15/11
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2011, 01:28:43 am »
if i can i will, it will be a little closer, still about 2-2 1/2 1/2 hours, i guess it will depend on school, college applications, my dads back and the perpetual list of work :'(
if i can though, i might have my first yew warbow done, if the knots don't blow :-[
on the other hand, i am almost certain i will be able to go to the one we met at last year, i will be graduated by then, so maybe i will stay both days or even have some more of my family come
warbows and fishing, what else is there to do?
modern technology only takes you so far, remove electricity and then what

Offline fishfinder401

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  • noel laflamme
just wanted to let you know, i unfortunately wont be able to make it unless something changes, but i hope you have a good time
PS: do you know anyone else on here in the New England area?
warbows and fishing, what else is there to do?
modern technology only takes you so far, remove electricity and then what

Offline Calendargirl

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Ryano and Jamie are both in the N.E. area.  I am sure there are others.
You shouldn't grow a wishbone where your backbone should be.

Offline Dane

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Noel, too bad. I just saw your posting (out of town in LA for a week). You are going to miss a fun event.

We are getting some great press for this event. I’m being interviewed by a local reporter on Friday, and another paper is covering this event. We have paid advertising running now and until the event, and I’ve networked and given out hundreds of fliers and information, including to local teachers interested in ancient technology and societies as part of their curriculum.

As with last year, Gary Nolf (a master of the atlatl in New England) is officiating the ISAC, and I am very grateful for his help.

Unless an emergency comes up, my friend Jim Dina, author of Voyage of the Ant will be there to help out and teach.

We may have some vendors, including Thunderbird Atlatl, so it will be cool to have Bob and Cheryl join us.

I’m excited about this event, and it should be “bigger and better” than last year’s celebration. The contests aside from the ISAC will be a lot of fun, including a hoop throw and charging saber tooth cat challenge.

It will be great to see any PA members join us. The cost is free, minus purchased food (grilled hotdogs, burgers, etc). Free bad coffee all day, too.
Greenfield, Western Massachusetts

Offline uwe

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Interesting program. I hope you make some nice pics for those poor species like me, who can`t join the event.
Have some good time there!
Regards Uwe

Offline Dane

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Danke, Uwe. It would have been great to have you. I will be taking lots of pictures and posting them here.

That is, if I could figure out why the site won't let me post pics. Anyone have that issue?

Greenfield, Western Massachusetts

Offline Calendargirl

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Dane, are you having picture issues, too?
Several have.  I am not sure why though.  Justin Snyder might have an answer to that.
You shouldn't grow a wishbone where your backbone should be.

Offline fishfinder401

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Ryano and Jamie are both in the N.E. area.  I am sure there are others.
i had the fortune to meat both jamie and dane so far, but i now have someone else to try to meet
thanks calendargirl
warbows and fishing, what else is there to do?
modern technology only takes you so far, remove electricity and then what

Offline Dane

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I did write to Justin, but never heard back, at the suggestion of Pat B. Folks get busy though, so no sweat. I would like to be able to post pics. The medieval crossbow is finished, but I can't finish up that thread.

Noel, Rick is from Long Island, so faily local. He didn't make it to the CT event you were at, but he usually comes to that event. Very cool guy.

Greenfield, Western Massachusetts

Offline fishfinder401

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why cant you finish the crossbow thread?
warbows and fishing, what else is there to do?
modern technology only takes you so far, remove electricity and then what

Offline Dane

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Because I cant post any pictures at all. Pat B referred me to another mod, but he hasn't offered any help. Kinda stuck in the water. I have video as well now. If and when I can resolve the photo issue, I can finish the thread.

Greenfield, Western Massachusetts

Offline fishfinder401

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  • noel laflamme
if you want you can send them to me and ill post them for you, last time  checked i could still post
warbows and fishing, what else is there to do?
modern technology only takes you so far, remove electricity and then what