Main Discussion Area > Primitive Skills

what the #2

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                      ;D Bottom is a glabra very good Pat. Bougainvillea glabra, family nyctaginaceae( four-o-clock). Ita a evergreen an can be a tree bush er vine and has THORNS. An I mean THORNS ! ;D So what are  #1 an #2 not holly an erc ralph, sorry.....bob

Justin Snyder:
Top is salt cedar.  Justin

                                   Ding,ding,ding ! Another weiner, ah I mean winner ! ;D It is indeed Tamarix sp. also commonly called salt cedar. Very invasive an considered a weed in western part of u.s. Makes good arras but was not here in u.s. when n.a.'s were makin' arras from canes. So whats # 2  ;D......bob

Pat B:
#2 looked like ERC to me also. Maybe its another Juniper...or maybe Australian Pine.   Pat

Justin Snyder:
Pat I think Bob threw in the color to fool you.  I bet it is dogwood or something obvious.  Justin


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