Author Topic: Can't string this bow.  (Read 3108 times)

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Offline WolfPupTee

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Can't string this bow.
« on: September 11, 2011, 03:59:23 pm »
I can not properly string this bow. It may or may not be my string notches that are the problem. Also...(I know I KNOW!) it probably doesn't help that I'm using a dental floss string. that probably stretches too much to hold the weight of the bend. Here I'll show you guys.

the string

one strung end

both ends look like this.

top of the bow

bottom of it.

I mean do I need to take the limbs down some more because the draw weight is a bit much for me. Can't handle it.
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Re: Can't string this bow.
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2011, 04:43:53 pm »
It would be a good idea to get some dacron B50, make a proper string and try again. That way at least you would know if the string material is at fault.
When a bow still feels way heavy to probably is! Use a long string (and scales to check the actual weight) a bit more to continue tillering it. If you are still having problems the safest way to string it would be to use a stringer. You haven't got much room to cut stringer nocks but you can just fit some in there.

Offline Hrothgar

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Re: Can't string this bow.
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2011, 05:12:49 pm »
It looks like you could cut a little more into the sides of the nocks to catch the string. In your third (middle) photo is that a picture of the back or the belly? If its the belly your grooves should be cut angling down rather than up.
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Offline Cameroo

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Re: Can't string this bow.
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2011, 05:15:30 pm »
Yikes, I'm worried if you do manage to get it strung you're going to hurt yourself.  That string doesn't look very safe to me.  Also, you might want to clean up your knock grooves a bit so that your string doesn't fail prematurely.  It's easy to do if you take a thin strip of every cloth and twist it up, then just pull it back and forth along the edges of the grooves (you can do the same with sandpaper but can't be as aggressive with it or it will tear the paper). Any edges in the wood will cut your string over time.

Offline aznboi3644

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Re: Can't string this bow.
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2011, 08:20:49 pm »
get a low brace once the limbs bend 10" or more.

Offline bubby

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Re: Can't string this bow.
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2011, 09:19:15 pm »
it look's like you got a lot of wood that still can come off,have you got any parachute cord, you can use it for tillering your bow and in a pinch even shoot in in if you have to, i've used it on a pvc horse bow i built & it worked, or some 100# braided cord, you can get that most anywhere. question, can you get it to bend at all ? If you cant get anything let me know and i'll make you a string, Bub
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Offline WolfPupTee

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Re: Can't string this bow.
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2011, 12:40:34 am »
Thanks bubby but I should stop the offers for string material here  :) about three very nice PAs already offered to send me the appropriate string. Thanks though! But to answer your question, it bends more than half a foot and yes I do need to take off some more wood. It's just alot of work. Metal files aren't as great as wood rasps so it takes some time for me to get it off.
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Offline NTD

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Re: Can't string this bow.
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2011, 01:00:34 am »
And if you're going to stick with the minty fresh I would use a lot more strands!  Good luck.
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Offline bubby

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Re: Can't string this bow.
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2011, 07:35:38 am »
can you get a 4 in 1 rasp, they are less than $10 at home depot, one of those and a knife for a scraper will get the job done, Bub
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Offline WolfPupTee

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Re: Can't string this bow.
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2011, 01:23:50 pm »
Can't get to the nearest home depot but maybe I can find one on amazon and order it. I'm getting an axe and croc knife from there too. Lots of good stuff on amazon, I just have to get enough credits to buy it.
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