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what the?

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yup its a tap and the pitch just holds it in place with a forked stick underneath for support.

good luck killing knotwead. you can slow it down but you'll never kill it.
we dug out about 16' deep and 20' into a bank for a new medical buildings parking area and the stuff came back up from underneath the asphalt. ive also found that it does provide shelter and support for some of the indegeious species that other wise would be covered over by poison ivy , golden rod , etc. plants like solomons seal , jack in the pulpit and groundnut thrive near it. just gotta start eating eat along with the kudzu. lol

ive got another post i'll put up later but typing sucks cause i fractured my hand again.

Well what do you know I was right!!!!
I have never seen Maple Syrup made.
And as far as I know there is no Maple Syrup made in this area.

From what I have read large amounts of Water can be tapped out of a Sycamore tree.  (Gallons per day)
Put that on my list of things to try someday.

Jamie: You ever made Maple Syrup??

yeah dave ive done it many times. we demo it every year at a local museum . we rock boil it . takes forever for nothing. i actually prefer to gather the sap boil it about 50% and use it for tea water. just add whatever you want, sweet fern, wintergreen , mint, sassafrass is the best and you have sweetened tea. birch can also be tapped. takes a lot more sap than sugar maple and sugar maple takes a lot. i think its like 55 to 1. so 55 gallons of sap from a maple will give you 1 gallon of syrup. this year i didnt make any but i usually make a quart and then boil some for sugar.

55 to 1!!! Good Night,  Well now I know why it cost so much in the grocery store.
We get a lot better return on our molasses down here.  Yum Good.  Try it in Oatmeal.

How is your hand doing ??


old wound that got hit hard. im kinda gettin used to it. i get busted up every year and heal up in the winter.


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