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How to make Knox glue?
Justin, hide glue is stronger than Knox ?
--- Quote from: welch2 on July 10, 2007, 01:45:37 pm ---fish bladder glue is supposed to be better , the Turks used sturgeon ,and the koreans use puffer fish bladders for thier horn bows. I
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Minor correction, but the Koreans use croaker air bladders, I have never heard of them using a puffer fish bladder.
Justin Snyder:
--- Quote from: NorthShoreLB on July 11, 2007, 03:56:02 am ---Justin, hide glue is stronger than Knox ?
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I mixed up a batch of Knox, and the immediate holding strength of the hide glue and the sinew glue, were both stronger. You can almost bet that Knox has bone in it, which is the weakest of all these glues. I also suspect it has something to do with the cleaning process. I'm not sure what they do to the Knox to make it so clear, unflavored, and odorless, but it must effect the strength. I have used liquid before too, but that will never happen again. I would use Knox long before liquid hide glue, or TB. One other thing to consider. Most people think of making hide glue as a too much work. It is far more work to prepare the sinew right, than it is to make the hide glue. I just set up my gas cooker out back. Put the pots on low, and checked back once in a while to change the heat if needed. I had a slight breeze, and only rarely smelled anything. I was working on bows while it was cooking so it didn't really take time out of my day. Justin
Where do the commercial hide glue flakes rate. Are they the same as making it yerself.
Justin Snyder:
Nothing is the same as making your own. That is why we all make our own bows. ;) ;D I would guess it depends on what type of material was used in making the glue. It is probably somewhere around Knox. Some bone, some hide, some EVERYTHING. I think Knox is plenty strong. If you are using store bought glue, use the Knox. It is cheap and easy to find. Justin
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