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How to make Knox glue?

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Justin Snyder:
I accidentally got some boiling.  :'( Then I saw the wife's candle warmer sitting next to the stove.  ;D I could just go outside, then I wouldn't need a heater, but it is sure hard to concentrate.  Our low last night was 94*.  Justin

                                Is 'round 90 + * durin' day, 80 +* at nite. BUT the humidity is 80-90 + % most of the time. :o Yup, sure is uncomfortable standin' by firepit makes ya wanna have a brew er 2 er 3 ! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ..............Burp !..... ;D.bob

D. Tiller:
Here its sunny and 75 degrees with a light breeze and low humidity...kinda chilly actually!  ;D  Could still use a beer though!!!

Marc St Louis:
I've used the Davis gelatine and found it to be even better than the Knox. A nice clear golden color

I think that the thought that glue is derived from hooves is that glue may have been made from the lower legs of animals and it was presumed the hooves were the main source. While there is perhaps a small collagen component to the hoof wall of animals I don't know that just boiling the hoof material is the way to go.
 How did the glue turn out Justin?


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