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How to make Knox glue?
Can anyone explain the process of making glue from Knox gelatin? I've searched this site, and also read through TBB Vol. 1, but can't find that info.
Knox Gellatin by Tim Hamblin
The Knox comes in a small box with 3 or 4 envelopes. Enough to do the bow. About a buck 80. Put one envelope in a measuring cup, add 1/4 cup water and nuke in the MW for about 20 seconds. Maybe 30. Just before it starts getting froth on it. I then put it in a small stainless bowl and set on the
warmer of an old coffee maker that I cut the tank off of. That's it. The 1 envelope should last you thru one session.
Man, easier than falling off the proverbial log. Thanks, Mickey.
tom sawyer:
I used two packets in a cup of water this last time. It seemed to do the trick, and thinner is easier to work with. You also want to periodically add a bit of water to the glue, it seems to need that. I think some stuff in the sinew dissolves in it when you dunk it in, and that and the evaporation makes it thicken. Also very important to add the Knox to cold water and let it hydrate, if you add to hot water it clumps and is a bear to get dissolved completely.
Justin Snyder:
I just about gave in to the dark side this morning. I was going to whip up a batch of glue from the Knox. Then I decided it wouldnit be right for my little project. I went out where some of the ranchers dump their dead cows and knocked the shell of the hooves and brought it home. I smashed it up really small with a hammer. Now it is cooking on the burner in the back yard. ;D That ought to make Bob proud. Justin
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