Thank very, very much fellas. Your approval means a lot to the old guy......
Blacktail, I dont shoot that weight very well but I put 20 or so arrows through it last night. At 20 yards ya cant even see a cane arrow go....ya hear it very loud when it hits. My hardwood arrows (450 to 500 grains) are dead flat at 15 yards and very flat at 20yds.....I dont shoot past that range on animals....ever. Both types of arrows carrying 125 field points will penetrate the 3/4" plywood walls of my shed, far enough ya cant see the head. Not that I ever miss

Usually I scrape these heavy bows down to my weight range (high 40's) but this little bow is real sweet (as far as I can tell) so I'm thinkin the right thing to do is leave it be and send it back to Mr. Stoneberg. He really knows Osage so maybe he'd be better off tellin ya what he thinks, I think it's a good bow.