Hey fellas, Mr. GStoneberg sent me some Texas Osage....he told me it was bent some, and short and all......but what he didn't tell me was about the BAD ATTITUDE what was packed in that chunk of wood. 4/5 trips ta the wood shed, some fightin and swearin and this is what I come up with.
I was just braggin up as how I had that bad boy whipped.....well not exactly cause it came out better than 60# @ 25" of draw. No I aint in a bad mood in the draw pics, but I do believe that the damned Texas wood is commin back to kick my butt.....it's a monster
First 4 are the regular shots and the second 4 are some close up shots. Hope ya like it, cause I was gonna lower the weight, but I'm thinkin of findin the bugger a new home