Main Discussion Area > Arrows

arrow spine with self bow?


although its not really primitive, i'm slowly getting there but need some "store bought" arrows to get me started.  i am going to order some port orford ceder shafts and dont know what spine to use on a self bow since its not cut to center. i know i need to go weaker but how much?  its going to be 50 lbs at my 28" dl. with a 125 gr point.  also if my draw is 28", how long should my arrow be? please give me a correct spine using the correct lenght of arrow with this draw lenght.  thanks for a much needed answer to a stupid question.... ??? ???

George Tsoukalas:
Really tough to say without trying different spines. 3 Rivers does sell a test kit of arrows with 3 spines I believe. I think in your case 50-55# spine would be good and then leave them full length-31 inches. If that proves too weak cut one in 1/2 inch increments and shoot again. Jawge

Justin Snyder:
I agree with George.  The 3-Rivers kit actually contains 4 spines.   Justin

Pat B:
I like my arrows for self bows about 10# lighter than the draw weight. I also like them 29" for my 26"draw.  When you buy store bought arrows the spine marked on them is for an arrow 28" long with a 125gr point. For every inch over (or under) 28" you can subtract(or add) 5# of spine weight. More weight at the head will reduce the spine of the arrow.
  Jawge's suggestion of the 3Rivers set is a good one.     Pat

  When you buy the shafts. Get the spine you are looking for ,but order them full length.You can get them 30 to 32" and then you can play with different wieght points and cutting the length down.The longer the arrow ,the more forgiving it is with the parodox.


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