Just recently a friend of mine installed photoshop portable on my computer so I could edit some of my pics. Since I dont live in the forest or anything like that the background of my pics is less than pleasing so I decided to mess around with it a little. I just finished a sudbury style bow 55lbs @ 28 inches that I will be taking hunting so I snapped some pics and editted hem. I was just hoping to get a white background. The bow is made from black locust and has some native american motifs painted on the back. It takes very little follow and once its unstrung for a few hours looses all the follow.
I also made a nice rivercane quiver to go with it and 6 cane arrows, 5 2 fletch and 1 helical fletch. This bow is going hunting with me this weekend

so hopefully we get some meat! heres the pics (you can see my inexperice using photoshop).

non photoshoped