My four yr. old and I took a walk in the creek this morning. I was keeping my eyes and ears open for rattlesnakes, which we have seen in the past few weeks, our dog is bitten and the neighbor dog died from a bite. Anyway I always keep my eye out for artifacts and now I've been looking for material (chert) and hammer stones. I found a big geode and my son another. The one I found was real flat and looked like a possible spall could be knocked off it, so I tried. Didn'y work so well, but when I was looking for the flake, right between my legs was this point, minus the base, but still about an inch long. I also found those two woodpecker feathers from two separate birds, when I stood up praising my thanks to the sky. Good day in the creek, only one snake seen, not a rattler, but could not identify it as not being a copperhead. Keep your eye out, never know what you'll find.