The Oak board bow I made a while back started getting a real spongy feel to it and I didnt care for the light wieght any way so I lopped it off at the nocks , cut new nocks and braced it at 5" . Which didnt take much effort to string either. That should have told me but it didnt register ! So I puts it on tiller tree and started to work the limbs some to see about retillering for shorter length and it still felt real spongy and dead ! So I went ahead and pulled on cord trying to find resistance and never really found much and spotted a white line on side of limb .........then I knew ! No sound no feel while shooting, nothing . The board did take on quite a bit of set / memory ? Heres a pic.

And funny vertical grain in the otherwise horizontal grain.The grain definition just doesnt look crisp like it should to me ?