Wow! Thanks for all the kind words and advice!
i haven't cut any nocks in it yet, and as gstoneberg noticed, i am using my bowstringer as my short string (for now, i have all i need to make a flemish string, but i just haven't got around to it yet). Will using the bowstringer instead of an actual string be a problem?
i was thinking it could use a few scrapes on the left side around 15" in from the tips. i am somewhat confused about the tips. On at least one of the guides that i used to put this together it mentioned that one should leave the tips so they don't bend. (And now, looking around, i can't find where i read that.) Is this true? And if so, how much of the limb should be left stiff? On this bow, i left the last 9" stiff. Can anyone give me more detail on what the thickness contour of this area should be?
Thanks for pointing out the handle. i had fogotten that i have not finished that area. That is not my intended handle size. i laid out a 5" handle section with 2
2" fades. i only shaped in a rough fade that is 1
4" long (because if i filed off the whole 2
2" area, it would have taken my penciled-on handle dimensions with it

). Guess i've got to at least rough out the handle area right now. Will extending the fade length give it more bend at the fade?
And lastly, i don't think i'm going to pike it (i think i'm just going to finish it off just to see what i get), but if i were to do so, how exactly would i go about it? The profile of the bow is 1
4" wide all the way out to 15" from the tips where it takes a straight taper to the tips, which are
2" wide.
If i pike it and cut off 2" at each end, would i then have to reshape the width profile? That is, would i have to move where it begins to taper to the tips? Or would it be fine to just have a 13" taper?
So many questions! Thanks for all of your help!