Main Discussion Area > Arrows

Wingshooting with primitve gear?

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Just got done reading a quote about the skipper arrow by Kowechobe and would love to hear more techniques about hunting ducks, geese, grouse etc. I've made attempts to harvest ducks with hickory bow and cedars using decoys and call, but have not been able to connect, yet. Lots of fun!

What heads do you use to hunt Birds?
Is the Type 6 forker any good?
Hector Coles Type 6.

As a kid we hunted bob whites, we used mayonnaise jar lids ,with a hole in the middle ,behind a field point. Granted that was on aluminum arrows, but it worked very well . Maybe you can up with something more paleo.


 A friend of mine showed me an article in a magazine once ( wish i could remember the name of it)about Rock bows. They were set up to shoot rocks ,or fire hardened clay balls. the article said that they were very deadly on flying game and that you could make a hundred clay balls faster than one good arrow. Ive been wanting to try building one for a while but it keeps getting moved to the back burner.

If you've ever hunted quail with an arrow tipped with a mayonaise jar lid, you might be a redneck............. ;D


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