Elktracker have you ever tried to download a video with photobucket? With my old computer it takes forever. If I make them very short it really cuts the download time

I haven’t finished the little bow yet and am trying different handle Ideas. I used a thread and I want to apologize upfront as I can't remember who posted it

... anyway that person build the back of a bendy handle with pieces of leather and crazy glue. They them shaped it and wrapped it with leather. Well it works pretty well. I am trying to make a rest out of the same antler from my first whitetail. I don't have it shooting as well off the rest as my knuckle but I think it's a height adjustment or the fact I'm trying to get it to work with the natural point (probably won't work but I though it would look cool), we will see.
The only thing that is permanent at this point is the build up on the back….
Still experimenting……