Well, are there any crafts that you specialize in? I'm always interested in stone points, trader points. I always need B-50 string. Any spools lying around that you don't use? Leather grip material? 5/16 shafting or field tips? 4" r/w feathers? Something you enjoy making aside from bows?
I'll twist it and double serve the center of the string. Fast flight makes skinnier strings because you only need 10 strands vs. the 14 strands that I use on B-50 strings. Double serving brings the diameter back to hold your arrows better. Also, I weave in a few strands of B-50 in the loops. Fast Flight can be abrasive so the weaving in of B-50 helps thicken and reduce the chances of the string cutting into your string nocks.
Oh, I only have brown and yellow.