Probably won't hold up in a court of law, but here are a few of my first stone points. I like working the stone better than wine bottle bottoms. The first pic are my points and some pressure tools. Second are a close up of my points, upper left is from my creek, heat treated, and has crionoids in it. Third, one of my more favorite end views. Fourth pic is of the tools I made my son yesterday because he kept using mine and some of the points he's been working on. I got a long way to go, but feel the learning happening w/ every new try. Thanks for looking, dpgratz
Oh, tell me if I'm wrong, I sit down with a couple of big rocks and start beating them together making small sharp rocks and then beat the small sharp rocks more w/ stones and push on them with pressure until I'm sitting in a pile of rubble w/ one and if lucky two ok points if I don't break them. Is this right? Like my Dad said the first time I took him deer hunting, "If somebody said you had to sit quietly in a tree in the cold all day you'd feel like you were being punished."